Sæby Svømmehal & Wellness byder på oplevelser for alle aldre

  • Sauna inde og ude
  • Spabad inde og ude
  • Dampsauna
  • Infrarødsauna
  • Varmtvandsbassin
  • Koldtvandsbassin
  • 25 meter bassin til svømning
  • Børne- og babybassin
  • Rutsjebane og badedyr
  • Vipper 1 m, 3 m og 5 meter tårn
  • Fitnessrum med alt til en god træning

Sæby Svømmebad har sin helt egen cafe - Café Svømmebad. Her kan du nyde maden enten i cafeens vådområde med udsigt til familie- og morskabsbassinet, eller du kan vælge at sidde udendørs ved wellness området (bemærk, begrænset antal pladser).

Der er desuden gratis parkering ved svømmehallen. 

Sæby Svømmebad & Wellness

Wellness Onsdag med saunagus

For alle børn og barnlige sjæle

Udendørs spa om sommeren

Here everyone can frolic in the beautiful swimming pool

Sæby Svømmebad was taken into use in 2006 and is Frederikshavn's municipality's newest and most high-tech swimming pool. The swimming pool appears with the characteristic construction, as a unique, beautiful building and a landmark for Sæby.

It is their belief that there will always be a need for the citizen to be able to learn to swim. There will be more exercise and competition swimmers, and there will be more citizens who will need rehabilitation in water and therapy pools.

Here you can go for baby swimming in the hot water pool or for water gymnastics, which ends with a wonderful mini saunagus.

Through the collaboration with the municipal rehabilitation, the swimming pool must ensure space for citizens to continue to train safely and professionally long after a traditional rehabilitation course has been completed.

The swimming pool's wellness department is therefore not only therapy pools and wellness events, but is also an ideal meeting place for the older group where water and heat not only help to make everyday life a little easier, but also act as a social meeting place.

The fitness department in Sæby Svømmebad offers the latest exercise machines, which are especially suitable for rehabilitation and self-training. The delicious and inviting surroundings can be used alone or together with swimming or wellness. Use of the fitness department is included in your wellness ticket, so just get started exercising.

Welcome to Sæby Svømmebad!

Sæby Svømmebad, Rådhuspladsen 3, 9300 Sæby, +45 24 20 82 60, kontakt@saebysvoemmebad.dk, www.saebysvoemmebad.dk