Relax in the shade of the palm trees

In Frederikshavn you can visit the only Palm Beach in Denmark and yes, you have read correctly - the beach is lined with palm trees, they are real, and there is a lot of them. They winter in warmer surroundings, namely in the municipality's huge greenhouses, but every year in May they return to the beach and sweeten the lives of the many who want to relax with white sand, clean bathing water with small waves and sunbathing under the swaying palms.

The beach is for both activity and relaxation
If you feel the need to be active why not start a game og volleyball on the beach courts - perhaps for a prize? You can always put a delicious ice cream from 'Palmestrandens Ishus' on the line - they are really worth fighting for. If you are more into relaxing under the shade of the palm trees, you will find many small nooks and crannies on the wide sandy beach, where the youngest in the family can spend hours building sand castles or finding the most beautiful stones and seashells. You will also find find nice toilet facilities next to the ice house, if you have to answer a call of nature.

Lifeguards take care of you
Every year when the holiday season really kicks off, the red lifeguard tower is erected, the flags are hoisted and the lifeguards get ready to keep a watchful eye on the beach's happy guests. The Trygfonden sponsors the lifeguard tower, and everyone visiting the beach are very happy with the extra security.

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